
I was going through reading the Knightquest again admiring the Azbats armor. I kept thinking of why Az added what to the suit. I know when he fought corrosive man the first Azbats suit was pretty much destroyed. I know Az was always concerned for having to waste time to go back to the Batcave everytime he wanted to use the computers, thats why he made the new helmet with the satellite link up node on the brow. I know he also made that helmet bullet, fire, acid, and water proof as well. I know why near the end of Knightquest when he made the glider fins, he was sick of the cape, because it almost killed him. I was however baffled by the fact that when he added the glider, flame cannon, and fully auto magazine for his shurikens, he also added extra amor on the biceps. I read back into Knightquest as far as Robin#1 and remembered the scene when Robin stabbed Az in the bicep with his golden R. I mean it does make sense, but thats a reach isn't it? I was also listening to the Knightfall audio play again and heard the actor who played Robin mention that the Azbats armor looked like every joint was survo-assisted. Which interested me even furthur! Maybe he was RoboBat like the characters mentioned in the Knightquest Catwoman episodes! Just looking at all the things that armor could do boggles the mind. I wonder what else it could do?
Posted by knightfallsaga
at 10:31 PM PDT
Updated: Friday, 4 September 2009 12:31 AM PDT
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Updated: Friday, 4 September 2009 12:31 AM PDT
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